Conceptualisation, creation and implementation
In Newsign, you will find a professional partner to design and care for your brand. We also develop and adapt corporate designs that fit with your identity and provide everything a brand needs to have visual and communicative success.
An overview of our services
Our recommendations are made from experience and with empathy. We advise you on developing a new brand or further developing an existing brand to make it modern and future proof. We always hold a presentation for you that contains a real selection of concepts and solutions.
Brand analysis
A brand analysis is the basis of all creative work and communicative implementations. We research, collate and view all relevant information about a brand and use this to create a foundation for solid positioning and all further measures.
Brand workshops
A joint workshop is more meaningful than any written document. We adapt the agenda of the workshop to the task at hand, such as brand identity, brand values, brand personality, etc. The important thing is that the time in the short workshop is used effectively and the best possible decisions are made. We define the guiding principles of the creation part of the process based on the brand positioning.
Our key ways of expressing ourselves are typography, graphics, images and colours. The strategic impulses from the brand analysis and workshop guide us, as do spontaneous ideas for new solutions. This interplay is the fascinating part of the creative process.
Names are more than just hollow words. The sound of a brand name, its first letter or any associations that it evokes have an impact, something that is well known in the field of psychology. We are professionals at developing names for corporate and product brands.
Claim, slogan
A logo without a claim is a missed opportunity. Brand claims sink into collective consciousness, just as logos do, and often ‘outlive’ multiple logo redesigns. We develop suggestions for claims and tie them in with the logo. SMEs also deserve something better than ‘Yes, we can’ or ‘We love logistics’.
Corporate Design
We create viable design solutions and ensure that you have a uniform image, from your logo to your letterheads and object labels. We always base our work on your current CI/CD, or we would be happy to develop or revise these guidelines for you.
Print Media Design
We work with all traditional communication media, from classified ads to complex printed materials. We provide everything you need for a campaign and everyday communication, and we take care of preparing the data and coordinating the printing, right up to the end product.
Packaging Design
Our design skills also extend to packaging, which we are particularly excited about. We are fascinated by three-dimensional design and especially any challenges in typography posed by multilingual and sometimes statutory texts on packaging.
Webdesign (UX/UI Design)
Our online expertise encompasses user experience design and user interface design. Our web solutions display a clear strategy, consistently implement your corporate design and use intuitive navigation and design on desktops, tablets and smartphones.
Double the expertise
We work on and for brands. Our branding strengthens a corporate or product brand’s profile and helps you to distinguish yourself from the competition and to provide your customers with a specific brand experience.
Graphic design
We put our heart and soul into the design work. We design infographics and illustrations as carefully as posters and promotional materials. Our graphic design uses clear, simple design language.
Branding in four steps
A clearly structured branding process ensures that we are efficient. You always know exactly what we are doing and what the next step is.